Archive for May 27th, 2020

Sex Crimes Lawyer from Portland

In Portland there are various types of sex crimes that people can be charged with. If you were in public while naked, having intercourse, or showing your genitals in public would be considered the sex crime of public indecency. Another type of sex crime would be prostitution and solicitation. This would be compelling prostitution, patronizing a prostitute, unlawful prostitution, soliciting a prostitution, or even an online solicitation. If you are convicted of a sex crime you could have to register as a sex offender, go to counseling, which is why having a lawyer is your best option.


When you find yourself in a predicament where you were accused of a sex crime you should be contacting a Portland sex crimes lawyer. They will be your best bet at getting a lesser sentence, or helping prove that you were innocent. If you do not have a lawyer your chances of being taken seriously, having your rights protected, or having a successful case are very slim. You need the services of Mark C. Cogan, P.C. who are a criminal law firm in Portland that can help you in this case. They have helped so many people in the state of Oregon with their sex crimes cases and gotten them results that they were after. You do not want to be forced to have this kind of crime on your public record it could affect the rest of your life. Be smart and hire a skilled sex crimes lawyer.